Ladies Football 2013 Upcoming Events / Fixtures

Upcoming Events / Fixtures :
A big Thank You to all who contributed to the Used clothes collection in June. Over 1500 euro was raised which will go towards the Brinny development fund.
CAKE SALE POSTPONED in support of the Juvenile Sponsored walk :
Cake Sale :
There will be a bring and buy cake sale in Innishannon School Hall on 26 May at 12.00. Come along and try some of the delicious treats on offer. As always your support of this fundraising event will be much appreciated.
Brinny Development Fund - Used Clothes Collection:
A used clothes recycling fundraiser in aid of the Brinny Development fund will be held in Brinny on Saturday 08 June. Please gather your used clothes, shoes, household textiles, stuffed toys and bed linen. All items should be clean. Duvets or pillows will not be collected.
Collections on Thursday 6th june 6-9, Friday 7th june 6-9 and Saturday 8th june 9-1 at Brinny GAA pitch
Fundraising Event:
Bagpacking on 13 April 10am to 6pm. Volunteers needed. Contact any member of the committee.
Under 8âs and Under 10âs
Training will commence on 10 April @ 6.30 in Innishannon